Frequently Asked Questions
Courses and lessons
What is the difference between Regular and Intensive
Normal courses are arranged in one 1,5-hour session,
per week.
Intensive courses are arranged in 2 sessions of 1,5h each per week
How long do the sessions last and what about the
Every one-hour session has a break of 10 minutes. Sessions start at the exact of
the hour
and the break comes after 50 min or after 45 min -if it is a 1,5-hour session-.
For example, if a lesson is scheduled from 17.00-19.00, the session starts at
17.00 and the
break comes at 17.50. 18.00 starts the second hour and the sessions finishes at
Where are the lessons given?
The lessons are mainly given in Amsterdam, which is perfect
by public transport.
This info is always given in the details of the chosen course. If due to
circumstances the course has to be relocated, you will be informed by e-mail.
How often are new courses offered?
Group courses are offered three times per year:
- Winter Semester (mid-September – end December),
- Spring Semester (January – Mid April,
and Summer semester (mid April - July).
- Semi-private or Private lessons can start any time during the year. Contact us in order to send you an e-mail with the rates, terms and conditions.
- Winter Semester (mid-September – end December),
- Spring Semester (January – Mid April,
and Summer semester (mid April - July).
- Semi-private or Private lessons can start any time during the year. Contact us in order to send you an e-mail with the rates, terms and conditions.
Are there annual courses?
All Lato’s courses are organized in three semesters (Winter, Spring and Summer).
The second
and third semester begin exactly where the previous stops and together they
constitute a years'
course. This way, those who prefer an annual course can enroll in all semesters.
They can do
it from the beginning (earning a discount of 5% on the total course fees), or
they can just
renew their enrolment before the end of the semester they follow. You can have a
look at the
annual schedule
How big are the group courses?
Lato’s courses remain small (4-8 students).
In order to ensure the maximum flexibility and to give enough time to all
students to practice their oral skills.
Can somebody join a course after the starting date?
To start a course after the first two lessons is not recommended. If there are
specific reasons
for wishing to join a course after the first two lessons, this can be discussed
with Lato
and a different assessment or agreement can be made, which will invalidate the
general rule
for that specific case.
In which language the lessons are given?
The lessons are given in the language which is being
(which means Greek). Extra explanations (where and when it is necessary) are
given in a
second language: English -if the group is mixed- or Dutch.
Are the teachers native speakers?
All the teachers are ot only native Greek but also
in teaching specifically Greek as a foreign language. They have an
certification or they are graduates of the corresponding departments of Greek
To whom are the Conversational courses addressed?
Conversational lessons are addressed to everybody who wants to practice further
knowledge that s/he takes during his language lessons or s/he already has a
knowledge of the
language and s/he wants to take the next step. Conversational courses are open
to everyone.
Those who participate in a running course of Lato can follow the lessons free of charge.
Those who participate in a running course of Lato can follow the lessons free of charge.
What is the level of the Conversation courses & when
do they
take place ?
The minimum required level in order to
participate in a
Conversation course is A1/
CEFR level.
The courses have an ideal result for all
whose level is lower than
B2/ CEFR level. (See How Lato’s courses aim at the CEFR
levels ).
The lessons run during all semesters and
students have the opportunity to speak with each other under the guidance of
a teacher
and to express their opinion on specific topics.
Is it possible to follow a trial lesson?
If you wish to follow a trial lesson this is
possible only upon
agreement and is considered as a (semi) private. The price is €30, it is to be
paid in
advance as is customary with all fees and in case that somebody decides to join
in the class
this amount is not deducted from the total tuition.
What happens if I need to miss two or more lessons
in a row?
In regular group courses, missed lessons cannot be
refunded or
replaced on another moment or with another group. However, it’s possible to join
the lessons
via Skype if this is an option for you.
Students remain always responsible for their study and
progress, and in case they need extra help the teacher will always be available
before or after (NOT during) the lesson to answer any
In case of inevitable situations or reasons which have been discussed in
private, the
general rule can be waived and your tutor can offer you a private catch-up
lesson, but this
cannot exceed 2 hours during the whole course.
Payment and Discounts
Can I pay per lesson?
If this concerns a group course, this is not
possible. Fees are to be paid in advance. For Private or Semi private lessons,
from the beginning there is
an arrangement for a specific number of courses and the payment takes place in
advance unless otherwise agreed.
Is it possible to pay in terms (instalments)?
This is possible only for annual courses and only
after special
agreement with Lato.
Can I get a discount and if yes, how?
If you enroll from the beginning of the year in all semesters you are eligible
for a
discount of 5% on the total course fee.
You are also eligible for a discount of 5% if you already participate in one or
more of
Lato’ s courses and a friend of yours enrolls.
If you participate in more activities (workshops etc), ask for more
possibilities or send a
mail with your question.
NOTE: Only one discount per enrollment applies.
How can I enroll in a course?
The only thing you need to do is to have a look
at the
courses we offer and to find the right one for you. At the end of each level
there is a ‘Sign up’
link. Use it
in order to enroll.
If you have any doubts about your level,
send us a
message in order to take a
How can I evaluate my level?
If you are not sure about your level, you can
always Contact Us for
an appointment in order to take a
test. By means of a
multiple-choice test
and a short (10 min) conversation, the tutor will be able to evaluate
exactly your level
and to talk with you about all points of attention, helping you to take the
The charge for the test is 20 euros.
This sum will
be deducted from the course fees upon enrollment.
Do I need books
In all courses, except the Conversational Courses, a
method is followed. At the end of the description of each course, you will find
the name of
the method which will be used. After the first lesson, no copies of the books
are delivered
and every student is considered to have his or her own books.
Where can I buy the books?
If you want to buy your books, click on the title of
the Book
(under a course). The site we suggest has the lowest prices we could find on the
market. If however you find a site that offers them cheaper, we would love to
hear it!.
Is the cost of the books included in the fees?
The cost of the books is not
included in the tuition and the students should acquire the books themselves.
For extra material
which willbe handed out from time to time during the course, there are no extra
Exams of Attainment / CEFR
What if I want to participate in CEFR exams?
CEFR exams are organized by the Center of Greek
Language in Thessaloniki (ΚΕΓ) and in
Netherlands they are organized at the
UvA. Exams at all levels are held once a year, in mid-May and if you want to
you need to apply (applications are accepted usually from mid-February until
Examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek for
Professional Purposes are
held three times a year, in
January, May, and November.
There is always an announcement when the
exact dates are known.
If you need more info, please ask one of
the tutors
and he/ she will be more than willing to help you.
Registration for the Examination
The examination for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek is organized by the
Center for
Greek Language, which is a Private legal entity and the authorized
representative of the
Ministry of Education. The examination takes place once per year, in the middle
of May. if
you want to participate you need to apply. Applications are accepted usually
mid-February until the end March and you can do it online.
In addition, there are examinations for Professional Purposes which are held
three times per
year, in January, May, and November. This is something which concerns those who
interested to study in Greece or to apply for a job there.
The exact dates are made known through announcements on the web site of KEG. So,
if you are interested to work in Greece or to study there, do not hesitate to
ask for more
Lato's courses and CEFR levels

- - B1, B2, B3 and B4 are the four Basic courses which cover A1 & 2 of CEFR levels.
- - I1, I2 and I3 are the Intermediate courses and together with A1 (Advance 1) cover B1 & B2 of CEFR levels.
- - A2 and A3 cover the perfection CEFR levels C1 & 2.