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Exams of Attainment / CEFR

In this scheme, you can see how Lato’s courses follow CEFR levels.

B1,2, 3 and 4 are the four Basic courses which cover A1 & 2 of CEFR levels.
I 1, 2, 3  are the Intermediate courses and together with A1 (Advance 1) cover B1 & B2 of CEFR levels.
A 2, 3 cover the perfection CEFR levels C1 & 2.

Levels A1-A3 are offered only under request as the desire of somebody to learn a language at such a level is usually connected with a specific goal. That’s why these levels are offered always under request and tailor-made to the needs of the students. In case you are interested in one of them, contact us and together we will schedule your course. Via e-mail, you will receive all the options and info.

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