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Cooperation with Amsterdam Zuid EN

Lato is a private initiative and her goal is to redefine everything concerning Greece and Greek culture and to build new bridges with the real Greece. Because this country has many faces, not only her touristic one: she is not only loungers under the Mediterranean sun, crowded destinations and cliché- menus. In order to spread this message, she started two years ago a cooperation with the city district of Amsterdam Zuid in their common effort to offer the beauty of culture not only as a product but also as a common good. After Huize Lydia in 2016, Lato launches a series of collaborations with other “Huis van de Wijk” of the Municipality, organizing Greek lessons and cultural activities. This way Lato brings Greek culture close to all the citizens of Amsterdam Zuid and the minima group, free of charge, with only a minimal symbolic participation fee, decided upon by the “Huis van de Wijk”
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