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CEFR Exam Training

Exams in modern Greek

Αs a learner of Modern Greek you have the opportunity to obtain official recognition of your level of Greek language competence. You can do it simply by taking part in the examination, which is held annually, in the middle of May. You can take the exams all over the world. In Amsterdam the exams are organized by the UvA.

CEFR Exam training

Every year Lato organizes training courses. Together with your instructor, you will choose the Greek exam level you can reach /are interested in (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 of C2). During the courses, you will work on the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills that are required for this level.

The majority of mock tests have been developed by the KEG. For more information, visit the pages FAQ and Exams of Attainment – CEFR.

CEFR Exam Preparation A2

CEFR Exam Preparation

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