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Winter stories Vol. 2

The short period of good weather during January and Februari is called in Greece “Days of the Alkyon”.
Why …?

The days of Alkyon

Even though, according to Greek mythology, the gods were tough on Alkioni and her husband, they still seem to show their generosity later on.
Because after the transformation of Alkyon into a bird, her sufferings didn’t end just like that. As by her nature she used to lay her eggs in the heart of the winter and in the slits of the rocks, air and rain often took them, and her mourning never stopped.
That is why, according the myth, Zeus decided to calm down the bad weather for 2-3 weeks, in order her to be able to lay her eggs without risk.

This short period of good weather during the winter is called in Greece “Days of the Alkyon” or “Alkyonides imeres”.



                                          © Lato,
Het Griekse Taal– & CultuurCentrum van Amsterdam


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