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Arachne( =spider) : trapped in the web of the myth!

The story of the famous weaver who was transformed into an insect. Arachne, the gifted weaver. Arachne in Greek mythology was a Lydian woman highly gifted in the art of weaving. As Arachne was no ordinary weaver, very fast the news about her artistry spread far and wide and it is said that nymphs from the forests gathered around her to watch her weave. In their attempt to […]

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Stories behind the language Vol.2

“Who payed the bride” & why?
When we use to say so? (more…)

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Women and their role in ancient Greece and Rome

How women were perceived in Ancient Greece has been a subject of much fascination amongst historians. Part of the fascination lies in the contrast between two of the most prominent city-states – Athens and Sparta. Athens didn’t look as favorably upon women as Sparta did.

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