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“Let’s go for a coffee!”, … in Greece

20 May 2023,

Many important things can start very simple. In this case only one sentence is enough:  Πάμε για καφέ; (Shall we go for coffee? ). Because coffee in Greece is a very strong part of the country’s cultural identity. Drinking coffee in Greece is not just a break of the day. A whole ritual goes with […]

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Towers of Mani & the spirit of warriors

3 June 2023,

The towers of Mani: made of stone like the landscape, tall, with no special decorations and full of pride they stand there; they are the guards of Mani. They guard the dignity of a clan (=Patria), the tradition of hospitality, the local customs and legends. Michael Palaiologos attempted in 1415 to limit the height of […]

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Santorini & the art of survival.

7 June 2023,

The island of Santorini has written one of the most beautiful stories about the eternal struggle of man with nature. As Santorini is strongly associated with the action of the volcano, the people of the island always needed to find ways to survive and to create. Yet they never lost courage. ” The island of […]

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Greek Easter in White background!

9 March 2023,

Easter is just around the corner, just like the fever of preparations. Especially in Greece it is one of the most important celebrations of the year and is distinguished by its strong religiosity and its family character. Welcoming Easter with white colour! Because of the season, everyone is attempting a small escape to the countryside […]

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The friendly ghost of Harmena comes always with Carnaval.

22 June 2023,

Traditions, ghosts and Carnaval Legends always remains a significant part of our traditional background. And even if we know that they have nothing to do with the reality, we keep them as a secret treasure. One of them is the “ghost of Harmena”  in Central Greece (in the region of Amfissa) which comes always in […]

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The art of Graffiti from antiquity until our days

16 April 2023,

Modern cities: black and white life on a coloured background! The spirit of our times, expressed in the form of coloured shapes, images and signatures on concrete walls. Graffiti and Tags: a new form of art that has entered into our lives in recent years. Many find it unsightly. Many others again think it is an innovation. But […]

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The Christmas Tree Story

16 February 2023,

One of the most famous Christmas traditions is the Christmas tree. Since the 20th century, it has become very popular in many city centres and stores. But how did the Christmas tree arrive till today? When and how its long history began? According to some researchers, the tradition of decorating trees or pieces of trees […]

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The disappearing whistling language of Greece

29 April 2023,

How well can someone know Greece? Whatever the answer is, it is sure that when in Greece one can always discover new hidden places that will surprise him. So, even if Evia is well-known, the small village of Antia remains unknown to many. But not to the linguists! Antia is hidden deep in the south-east […]

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The hidden “Greece” of Southern Italy

16 April 2023,

    © Lato / Credit: T. Zacharis “Grico“: the Greek dialect of South Italy. How possible is to hear Greek outside of Greece? Ultimately, it seems not so unlikely! The town of Castrignano dei Greci, as its name reveals, is located in Italy, south of the city Lecce. The strange thing is that its inhabitants speak […]

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Arachne( =spider) : trapped in the web of the myth!

15 January 2023,

The story of the famous weaver who was transformed into an insect. Arachne, the gifted weaver. Arachne in Greek mythology was a Lydian woman highly gifted in the art of weaving. As Arachne was no ordinary weaver, very fast the news about her artistry spread far and wide and it is said that nymphs from the forests gathered around her to watch her weave. In their attempt to […]

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The symbol of Vergina: the unknown symbolisms behind the rays of a much-discussed ‘Sun’.

20 January 2023,

The golden larnax of Vergina (Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki) Much has been written and told about the much discussed symbol of Vergina. Some call it a star, others call it a sun … The only sure thing however is that all of them are referring to the same symbol which is depicted on the golden “box” (maybe […]

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The magical character of the Summer Solstice.

5 January 2023,

Saying goodbuy to June! What is the Summer Solstice? Every year on the 20th of June (or 21st) the sun is at the highest point of the sky at the northern hemisphere. That is why on that day the longest day of the year (=summer solstice) is observed – at least for the northern hemisphere-, […]

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Bread: more than just food!

4 February 2023,

The history of bread in the world It belongs to our everyday life and is one of the things with the longest history. We are talking of course about bread. “Kneaded” with the history of man and identified with food, survival, worship, and enjoyment. But bread is something more than all of these: it was […]

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Golden donkeys vs economic crisis!

2 April 2023,

At a time when the only “horses” we know are those of our car engine, it’s hard for someone to remember the humble “donkey”. His scientific name is Equus asinus and it is clearly an animal that up till now is known for its character. For many is a symbol of humility but often – […]

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Superstitions from Greece and the whole word

2 February 2023,

Black cats and open umbrellas that bring bad luck. Βlue beads and garlic against  the evil eye … And much more! … Prejudices and superstitions that have to do with everything that surrounds us. And if you think that all these funny and absurd metaphysics concern only Greece, you are probably wrong. Superstitions are something […]

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Old Athens & its faded history

25 March 2023,

Sitting in one of the many cafes in the shadow of the once holy (now only touristic) hill of the Acropolis, we enjoy a cup of hot coffee, Greek, or one of the European styled we have grown accustomed to in recent years. In the hustle of the modern city, in an environment with old-fashioned […]

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First May in Greece and … what do the donkeys on the rooftops?

20 February 2023,

May Day is one of the few holidays that do not carry any religious meaning. Also, it is not a day connected just to labour rights. Since antiquity it is mainly a day related to the fruitfulness of the earth, the end of the winter and the coming of the summer. That is why it […]

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“Ai Giorgis” (St George), the Victory-bearing knight of the spring

14 April 2023,

Ai Giorgis, the patron of farmers and breeders April 23 is a special day in Greece. It is the feast day of St. George and the second milestone day in the year, after the feast day of St. Demetrios. It is identified with the coming of spring, the sowing and transfer of the flocks to […]

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How did the months get their names

7 January 2023,

Winter  months Even if January changed many times his name in honour of various emperors, the official name January is of Latin origin. Janus was the Roman guardian of doors and also the god who protected the “new beginnings” or endings. He had two faces, one of which looked forward and the other backward. That […]

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The cursed trees

19 June 2023,

Are there trees that are victims of people’s superstition? Trees that folk tradition associates with curses? And trees that we are happy to accept their fruits but are not welcome in our garden?   The incriminated fig tree One of the most “incriminated” trees is the fig tree. Many do not want it in their […]

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Water as a cultural symbol

3 May 2023,

Why water is of such an importance in some cultures? Most cultures were born and grew up around the water. That is why people understood its power since very early: either when it was giving life, either when it took life back. One of these cultures is Greece. And as it is normal, water and […]

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Flock bells: a source of noise or a communicational code?

22 February 2023,

Bells and the melody of the sheep The sound of the flock is a sound of history. The bells were hung on animals as a sound transmitter but not only. The bell is not a simple tool, but a communication code. Experienced breeders know the sounds so well they can understand when their herd grazes, […]

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“Wear a “March” – The custom and the interpretation behind it.

7 April 2023,

“March” or “Martis” is a very old custom. It is believed to have its roots  in Ancient Greece and more specifically in the Eleusinian Mysteries, where the mystics tied a thread, the Kroki (=thread), to their right hand and their left leg.  Nowadays at the first day of March, parents put a bracelet made of […]

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March and its three plagues

17 March 2023,

March and its first day carry magical power because it was believed that then “the resurrection of nature” takes place. Before the designation of  January 1st, March 1st was the beginning of the year. That is why it was also described as the “great hour of the year“.  At 1st March it was said that […]

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