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The art of Graffiti from antiquity until our days

Modern cities: black and white life on a coloured background! The spirit of our times, expressed in the form of coloured shapes, images and signatures on concrete walls. Graffiti and Tags: a new form of art that has entered into our lives in recent years. Many find it unsightly. Many others again think it is an innovation. But […]

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Arachne( =spider) : trapped in the web of the myth!

The story of the famous weaver who was transformed into an insect. Arachne, the gifted weaver. Arachne in Greek mythology was a Lydian woman highly gifted in the art of weaving. As Arachne was no ordinary weaver, very fast the news about her artistry spread far and wide and it is said that nymphs from the forests gathered around her to watch her weave. In their attempt to […]

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The symbol of Vergina: the unknown symbolisms behind the rays of a much-discussed ‘Sun’.

The golden larnax of Vergina (Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki) Much has been written and told about the much discussed symbol of Vergina. Some call it a star, others call it a sun … The only sure thing however is that all of them are referring to the same symbol which is depicted on the golden “box” (maybe […]

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The unknown Acropolis of the Peloponnese

Ancient Oiniades

Once upon a time there was dominative king
who was living in a big city on a hill with his beautiful son …


… The name of the king of the castle was Trikardos (=the one who has three hearts). His son, a very handsome young man, had the name Aniliagos (=the one who can’t face the sun), because he should never face the sunlight.

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Peace & War in a world full of contradictions

Is there a work of art to which 130 verses of one of the most famous poems in the world were dedicated?

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