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Stories behind the language

It’s not a secret, of course, that the pomegranate is connected with symbolisms and many more traditions around the world, also in Greece.

Why do we say so?

In Greece, at the beginning of the year, people break a pomegranate at  the house’s  doorstep so that the seeds are scattered everywhere. The same custom also existed on the island of Sifnos when the bride,  arriving at  groom’s home after the marriage ceremony, used to throw a pomegranate, engraved crosswise on the doorstep and the seeds were spread everywhere. This symbolized the entrance to the house of so many goods as  the seeds of the pomegranate.

Now, it is not difficult to imagine what a mess was created if they were not cleaned properly and the guests stepped on them!

That is why it is said that the phrase “you made it pomegranate” came out for something that created a “chaos”.

Het Griekse cultuurcentrum van Amsterdam
– Greek language, culture & more-

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